Hello every One Welcome Again on This Blog With this 2nd Post as I Explain In Previous Post of 
How to Track Person Location or IP Adress who Clicks Invalidly on your Ads
Now this Is Next Step what we Can Do After Tracking Person Who click Invalidly on Your Google Adsense Ads,
How can I Safe my Account From Invalid Activity From me or From My Competitors for A Life time Adsense Account

Here is Some Alter NATIVE Question From User Let See Before i Describe how Can we Report    
About invalid Clicker on Our Ads Let See the Questions;

  1. How can I Treat With invalid Clicker on My Adsense Ads?
  2. My Friend Clicks invalidly on My Adsense Ads how Can i Block him To Clicks on Ads?
  3. My competitor's are Clicking on My Ads how can i Stop them to click ?
  4. how can i Block Some one To visit my Ads or Site's/Blogger's Blog For Less using?
  5. is Their is Any way To report Google Adsense About Wrong Invalid Clicks on Ads by My Friends or My Competitors?
So i Know it is Posible to Get Alive Your Adsense Account for Life time in your Control. 
unfortunatily we all Understand About this that our Close Friends Some Time will Be our Enemies Yes if Your Adsense Account making Much Profite For You and Your Friends Feel Jealous From You them May Be They Click on your Ads Invalidly in The Aim of Blocking or Disable Your Adsense Account.

What Adsense Meant To Be Invalid Activity And How Can i Protect My Account From This.
Invalid Activity Means By Google is You are Clicking on Your Ads or your friends Clicks Your Ads For you. In this Reason Google Disable Your Google Adsense Account Without Asking You any Thing.
 But if your Competitor your Friends Who are Not happy with Your Earnings From Adsense may be The Cause for This Yes??
if Your Read My Previos Post how To Track Person who Clicks Invalidly On Your Ads Then You can Able to Track Any Person Who Click invalidly on your Adsense Ads now this Step is How Can We Stop him To Click on Ads With out Fighting with Him Legaly??

So Google has Now Provide us a Way to Report Him about invalid Clicks on Your Ads By IP Base when you Report Some one's IP with Explaining of invlid Clicks or Invalid Acitivity Google may Block its IP For Clicks on your Site and After This Your Adsense Account Will Safe From This IP.

Now i am Going to Show How to Fill Correctly the Complaint Form to Google.

Your Can Report Google For Invalid Clicks By Some one Using This Link Bellow

Here is Bellow An Example For How to Fill This Form Correctly.
Correct Example of Form filling For Reporting Google For INvalid Clicks on My Site on Adsense Ads


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